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Test your GPS technology and App at any time, date and location from anywhere in the world.

Micromobility GPS Device and Application Testing

Are you working from home but need to continue your GPS testing?
Do you want to know how well your device and app will work in places like London, Lisbon or LA but can’t travel?
Do you need an affordable and easy to use GPS testing solution that allows you to replay or simulate real-world scenarios to test accuracy, time to first fix or performance in new locations?

LabSat GNSS simulators are lightweight, portable and offer multi-constellation and multi-frequency capabilities for reliable, repeatable and consistent testing.

LabSat is your ideal testing partner for remote working – it takes up very little space on your desk, the single button replay interface couldn’t be simpler and you can easily collaborate with colleagues by sharing scenario files over the internet.

LabSat offers a flexible testing solution – you can either throw it in a backpack and record live-sky signals wherever you are to replay at a later time, or use our SatGen simulation software to create bespoke scenarios anywhere in the world at the time and date of your choosing.

Key Features

Live Sky Record & Replay

Record live GNSS signals in a location you would specifically like to test, and repeatedly replay the scenario for consistent testing and product development.

Test Anywhere in the World

Use our SatGen simulation software to test or prove capabilities in markets and locations you have never even visited – ideal in times when travel is restricted.

Future Proof Your Testing

LabSat simulators can Record & Replay all existing and future constellations and signals including GPS, Galileo, BeiDou, GLONAS and NavIC for comprehensive and future proof multi-constellation and multi-frequency testing.


Frequently Asked Questions
Can I test a device with an internal antenna and no external connector?

You can test a device with an internal antenna and no external connector by using an active GPS antenna or the Passive GPS/GLONASS antennas. These antennas connect directly to the RF ports on the LabSat 3 Wideband and will transmit the RF signal over short distances to the GNSS device being tested.

You will however need to be in an RF-screened environment to avoid interference with live signals. This can be done in a fully screened RF room or a portable enclosure, such as the LabSat Test Enclosure. This allows for secure screened testing and is ideal when working with devices that do not have an external antenna connector - such as wearables, smartphones, and sports/fitness trackers.

Can I test multiple constellations?

YES. There are currently three worldwide operational GNSS constellations; GPS, GLONASS and BeiDou. All three are covered by RACELOGIC's GPS simulators, as are the new Galileo constellations currently under development.

LabSat 3 is capable of recording one, two or three constellations at on the L1/B1 frequency band depending upon which model is used. LabSat is also capable of recording the signals from the augmentation systems. The Space Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) provide satellite broadcast correction signals back to earth to improve accuracy and integrity. LabSat will record the US based Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS), the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) and the Japanese MSAS system signals alongside the GPS navigation signals. So during replay you can test your devices ability to use these services without leaving the Laboratory.

LabSat 3 Wideband will record multiple constellations on multiple frequency bands. It is capable of recording the same SBAS signals as LabSat 3, plus the GPS Aided GEO Augmented Navigation (GAGAN) and the Russian System for Differential Corrections and Monitoring (SDCM). In addition to these, LabSat 3 Wideband records commercial differential services such as OmniStar, TerraStar and StarFire, which can increase accuracy to up to 5 cm.

Can I test multiple frequencies?

YES. With LabSat 3 Wideband. With three channels, a bandwidth of up to 56 MHz and 6 bit sampling, LabSat 3 WIDEBAND can handle almost any combination of constellation and signal that exists today, with plenty of spare capacity for future planned signals.

With LabSat 3 Wideband, you are able to develop your products and systems in readiness for new GNSS receivers capable of using the signals that will start to broadcast within the next few years. With the advent of L2C, L5, and L1C, the next generation of GNSS devices will have increased accuracy and capabilities - LabSat 3 Wideband gives you the opportunity to develop your products to be compatible with new receivers as they come to market.

Can I test my device or application anywhere in the world?

It is good product development practice to test your device or application for well known-problems. For example, many developers have found problems with GPS applications that cannot process negative latitude or longitude coordinates or the decimal degrees experienced when close to or crossing the meridian line.

Racelogic’s SatGen software application will create scenarios anywhere in the world in a number of static or dynamic situations. This versatile software can create user defined dynamic paths from NMEA, Google KML or VBOX files. This allows for scenario creation anywhere, at any time and to replicate anything from a rocket, to a drone or autonomous vehicle, to a complex racing track with high dynamic curves and inclines.

LabSat can also record from a GNSS simulator and replay this in the lab, which is useful for testing signals that do not yet exist, such as the full Galileo constellation.

Racelogic also offer a customer defined scenario facility. Please contact us at for further information.

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