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Case Study: Cambium Networks

LabSat / Cambium Networks Case Study GNSS production line testing for global manufacturing GNSS production line testing for global manufacturing Maintaining quality standards across global manufacturing locations relies on production line testing which is accurate, consistent and easy to use and control. With their data radios being manufactured at multiple locations across the world, Cambium Networks turned to LabSat to provide the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) testing capabilities for their bespoke production line testing solution. The Case Cambium Networks designs and...

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  • Hits: 5759

Automotive - OEM Navigation

Automotive - OEM Navigation OEM navigation system manufacturers for the automotive industry face a wide variety of challenges when testing their designs.   Find out how a LabSat 3 Wideband and turntable was used to solve a customer's problem of how to simulate wheel speed data and rate of turn within the confines of their test facility on a consistent, repeatable basis. The Problem To cover for losses in satellite visibility most OEM navigation systems have a dead reckoning capability. This utilises vehicle wheel speed data and rate of turn...

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  • Hits: 9792

Chip Manufacture – PPM & NovaTel

Chip Manufacture - PPM/NovAtel PPM is a distributor for NovAtel, a global supplier of world leading positioning technology across many disparate applications. Discover how they use a LabSat device to demonstrate NovAtel chip performance to their customers and for product compatibility testing. The Problem PPM is a distributor for NovAtel, a global supplier of world leading positioning technology across many disparate applications. Their combination of GNSS & INS offers a high-performance navigation solution in less than ideal environments. Evaluating the performance of...

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  • Hits: 9262


Wearables - Fitness Wristband Learn how one of the biggest names in wearable technology uses LabSat 3 to simulate GNSS constellations at their test centre in order to guarantee their products will work at any time and anywhere across the globe. The Problem Wearable gadgets have now secured their place in the technology market, and the range of body-worn devices is predicted to grow year on year. It is estimated that over $27 billion worth of wearable gadgets will be sold in 2022 compared to $13.7 billion in 2018. The majority of these devices use...

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  • Hits: 8647

GNSS Chip Manufacturers

GNSS Chip Manufacture The Problem With four major global navigation satellite systems now in operation, each transmitting on multiple frequencies, the signals available for state of the art GNSS receivers has exploded in recent years. A major manufacturer was recently faced with the challenge of how to test each of these signals on their new GNSS receiver prototype in a controlled and repeatable fashion. The test engineers also wanted to ensure that the prototype would function anywhere around the world. The Solution LabSat 3...

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  • Hits: 6833

Exhibitions & Expos

General - Exhibitions & Events Learn how an automotive company was able to accurately demonstrate in-car GPS mapping whilst in the confines of a building that blocked all external GNSS RF signals using a LabSat simulator The Problem Most people will have experienced the frustration of poor cell phone reception when attending exhibitions and trade fairs. This is caused in part by the building’s metallic structure blocking signals between the phone and nearby Cell site. Similarly users of location-based services and GPS-enabled devices more often...

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  • Hits: 11314

Case Study - Huaxun Technology Co. Ltd

Huaxun Technology Huaxun Technology is a GNSS chipset and device manufacturer based in the large city of Xi’an, the capital of the Shaanxi Province in north-western China. Huaxun design, develop, and assemble a range of products for GNSS applications as well as their own navigation and transport recording systems. GNSS chipset and device manufacturer Huaxun Technology Company required a cost-effective GNSS simulator as part of their test and development programmes. The solution was to purchase two double-constellation LabSat 3 Record...

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  • Hits: 18888

Case Study - Swedish Space Corporation

Swedish Space Corporation Learn how the Swedish Space Corporation used LabSat products to accurately simulate complex space manoeuvres. The last couple of decades has seen growth in the commercial sector of companies providing services and hardware to the space industry – no longer the sole preserve of government departments. One such enterprise is the Swedish Space Corporation, which heads up a group of companies around the world specialising in satellite missions and space operations. SSC Group cater for a wide variety of clients and their space...

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  • Hits: 23972

Case Study - Memoto's Narrative Clip

Memoto - Narrative Clip Swedish company Memoto developed the Narrative Clip in 2012. A tiny portable 'life blogging' camera, the wearable tech features a tiny GPS chip to record location data. Find out how the designers were able to create a test environment enabling them to virtually test their devices anywhere in the world. The Narrative Clip is a typically innovative wearable, and one of the new wave of 'lifelogging' devices now finding their way into mass production. It is a tiny (36 mm x 36 mm x 9 mm) five megapixel camera with...

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  • Hits: 31036

Case Study: Road Angel

Road Angel Group The Road Angel Group are one of the UK's leading manufacturers of automotive GPS-based products. Find out how the company used a LabSat 3 to save over 6000 hours in device testing for their market-leading speed camera locators. The Problem Engineers involved in developing devices using satellite technology face a constant challenge: verifying that their products are operating as intended in all conditions and locations. For Road Angel, the market leader in GPS safety camera and black spot locators based in Silverstone, UK, it is...

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  • Hits: 88949

Case Study: MSL Circuits

MSL Circuits The French company MSL Circuits is a specialist electronics manufacturer working within the automotive, energy management and medical sectors. Learn how LabSat provided an end-of-line testing solution allowing the company to easily test over 20,000 GNSS devices a month from their production line in the Loire Valley. The Problem More and more manufacturers are now using record and replay technology to test GNSS applications. The following offers an insight into the experience of how French electronics firm MSL Circuits are using...

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  • Hits: 75550

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